
Bladder complaints

Bladder symptoms can greatly affect your daily functioning and are often more than just a local problem. At OsteoPlaza, we look beyond the symptoms and focus on restoring balance to your body so that bladder function improves and your symptoms are relieved naturally.

What are the most common bladder complaints?

Bladder complaints can manifest themselves in a variety of ways and are often very bothersome. Here are some of the most common bladder complaints:

Incontinence problems

The involuntary loss of urine, which often occurs with exertion, coughing or sneezing.

Bladder infections (cystitis)

This is often accompanied by a burning sensation when urinating, frequent urination and sometimes pain in the lower abdomen.

Renal pelvic inflammation (pyelonephritis)

A serious infection that can occur when a bladder infection spreads to the kidneys. It is often accompanied by fever, back or side pain and nausea.

Frequent urination

The need to urinate often, even when the bladder is not full. This can become a problem at night and interfere with sleep.

Bladder complaints

OsteoPlaza's approach to bladder complaints

At OsteoPlaza, we take a comprehensive approach to treating bladder symptoms. We focus not only on the symptoms and on the underlying causes of the symptoms. This can range from problems with the pelvic floor muscles to strains in the bladder ligaments, such as the urachus, ligamentum pubovesicale and ligamentum umbilicale mediana. These structures are crucial for supporting the position and stability of the bladder. Our goal is to balance your body and address the causes of symptoms for long-term relief.

Bladder complaints

Diagnosis and
treatment plan

The first step in treating bladder symptoms is a comprehensive intake and diagnosis. During this intake, we discuss your medical history, symptoms and any factors contributing to your symptoms, such as pregnancy or childbirth. Next, we perform a physical examination to evaluate mobility and tension in the pelvic region, spine and surrounding muscles and tissues.

Based on these findings, we create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific symptoms and needs. This treatment plan focuses on both relieving symptoms and improving the overall function of the bladder and surrounding structures.

Treatment techniques

For bladder complaints

At OsteoPlaza, we apply various treatment techniques to relieve bladder pain, including manipulative techniques, mobilizations, visceral techniques, connective tissue techniques and specific exercises. These methods are designed to reduce pain, improve bladder function and restore overall body balance.

All of these techniques focus on improving mobility, reducing tension in the bladder ligaments and promoting the natural healing process in the affected areas. Our osteopath also offers advice on posture and lifestyle to help prevent future symptoms. The ultimate goal is to create more balance in your body so that you experience less bladder pain and have a better overall well-being.

Mobilization and manipulation techniques

These techniques improve joint mobility in the low back and pelvis, which can have a positive effect on bladder function.

Connective tissue

These techniques help reduce tension in the connective tissue around the bladder and pelvic region, contributing to improved blood flow and function.

Visceral techniques

These techniques focus on improving the mobility of organs, including the bladder, through gentle manual actions. This helps reduce tension and blockages.

Specific exercises

These exercises specifically target the bladder and surrounding area and help support the healing process. They promote blood flow and strengthen the muscles around the bladder, reducing symptoms such as incontinence or tension.

Bladder complaints

What can you expect
after the treatment?

After treatments, you can expect the tension in the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding tissues to decrease, which can help improve bladder symptoms. Most patients experience a gradual reduction in symptoms such as pain, urgency and frequent urination. At OsteoPlaza, we make sure you have a clear understanding of what to expect during the recovery process. We also give you advice on self-care and exercises to prevent further symptoms. Our goal is to help you improve your overall well-being and prevent recurring bladder symptoms.

Frequently asked questions

What are the most common bladder complaints?

With bladder complaints, you can think of:

  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Pain or burning sensation during urination.
  • The feeling that your bladder is not completely empty after urinating.
  • Involuntary leakage of urine (incontinence).
  • Pain or an oppressive feeling in your lower abdomen or pelvis.
What could be the causes of bladder symptoms?

There are several causes of bladder symptoms, including:

  • A bladder infection.
  • Tension in the pelvic floor muscles.
  • An overactive bladder.
  • Stress or tension.
  • Hormonal changes, for example, during menopause.
How can osteopathy help with bladder problems?

Osteopathy can help by improving circulation, reducing tension in muscles and restoring balance to your pelvic area. For example, I look at whether tensions in your pelvic floor muscles or scar tissue are contributing to your symptoms and work to release those tensions.

How does treatment for bladder pain at OsteoPlaza proceed?

At the first appointment, I begin with a comprehensive intake. We discuss your symptoms and I look at your medical history. Then I do a physical examination to see where the stresses or limitations are. Based on that, I draw up a treatment plan.

How many treatments do I need to notice improvement?

How many treatments are needed depends on your situation and the cause of your symptoms. Many people notice improvement after 2 to 4 sessions. During the first session I discuss what to expect.

Can osteopathy be combined with other treatments?

Yes, you can. Osteopathy dovetails well with other treatments, such as pelvic physical therapy. It is important to keep me and your other practitioners informed about what you are doing so that everything is well coordinated.

What can you do yourself to reduce bladder symptoms?

In addition to treatments, you can take steps yourself to reduce your symptoms, such as:

  • Drink plenty of water (avoid coffee and alcohol).
  • Do pelvic floor exercises.
  • Reduce stress through relaxation exercises.
  • Pay attention to good posture, especially if you sit a lot.
Are there any risks associated with osteopathy for bladder complaints?

Osteopathy is a safe and gentle method of treatment. Sometimes you may feel temporarily stiff or tired after treatment, but this will soon pass. If you have concerns about anything, we always discuss it together first.

Is osteopathy covered by health insurance?

Osteopathy is often partially reimbursed under supplementary insurance policies. It is advisable to check your policy or contact your insurer for specific coverage.